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Clash of Clans Raid Weekend: The best attack strategy

Clash of Clans’ Raid Weekend stands out as one of the most engaging events introduced by Supercell. Although it is virtually impossible to eliminate an entire Clan Capital District with a single attack, the number of attacks required can be minimized with a flawless strategy.

The Raid Weekend event revolves around attacking districts and accumulating raid points. However, players are restricted to only 5 + 1 attacks, with the additional attack being granted only upon successfully destroying a village at 100% capacity. The primary objective of such events is to amass as many raid points as possible, with some players even surpassing the 20,000 mark in certain scenarios.

Here are some of the best attacking strategies you can employ to excel in the Clash of Clans Raid Weekend event:

How a combination of Battle Ram and Sneaky Archers can pay off in Raid Weekend

Raid Weekend: Sneaky Archers + Battle Ram

Sneaky Archer in Clan Capital (Image via Clash of Clans)
  • Sneaky Archers
  • Battle Ram
  • Rage Spell
  • Graveyard Spell

While it may seem like a straightforward strategy, the combination of Battle Ram and Sneaky Archers is perhaps the most lethal tactic in the Raid Weekend event, capable of reaching the 20,000-point threshold. The blueprint for this attack involves first utilizing the Battle Ram to create a path for the Sneaky Archers, who can then unleash a devastating assault on the enemy's heavy defenses.

The reason for using Sneaky Archers instead of other high-damage-dealing troops is their ability to turn invisible for the initial few seconds after deployment. This makes them highly effective in taking down enemy defenses with ease, as they can do so without being detected by defenses such as cannons or archer towers.

However, it is important to note that once their invisibility wears off, Sneaky Archers become vulnerable and can be easily targeted by enemy defenses. Therefore, it is essential to save them by deploying them strategically at different targets.

As an illustration, a Battle Ram can serve as a strategic tool to breach walls, while Stealthy Archers can then proceed along the newly created pathway. If a base's compartment is densely fortified with defenses, it may be advisable to utilize a rage spell in this particular area. By imbuing archers with the effects of the rage spell, their overall contribution to the attack can be amplified significantly in Clash of Clans.

Rage Spell in Clan Capital (Image via Clash of Clans)

The Rage Spell is best used when deploying troops in the vicinity of high-value targets such as the Capital Hall, Inferno Towers, Rocket Artillery, or the Blast Bow, as these are some of the most formidable defensive structures within enemy bases.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of Sneaky Archers under the influence of a rage spell can be further augmented by casting a Graveyard Spell. It should only be deployed in a slightly divergent direction from the main attack route. The skeletons summoned by the spell will then engage with the other defenses, thereby allowing our Archers to have an increased likelihood of dismantling the base layout.

Graveyard Spell in Clan Capital (Image via Clash of Clans)

The sheer potential of this formidable attack strategy can be gauged by the fact that successfully executing three separate assaults utilizing Sneaky Archers can earn the attacker an additional bonus attack. This approach is widely acknowledged as one of the most effective methods of claiming a substantial number of raid points.

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